Watch Strap Color Guide: Pick Your Favorite Color

Buying a watch and just using it doesn’t fulfill the potential of a watch. A watch is a sign of royalty, indulged with a blend of classy and high-class personalities. And the strap around the watch uplifts the entire entity.

Your watch’s straps depend on your outfit, the watch’s indices, case, and, obviously, the hand type where the watch will be worn. Dark colors like black, brown, maroon, etc. straps will go well with classy and formal purposes, while you can customize and make a style out of other colors like green, red, blue, etc., to wear with more casual wardrobes.

We have set some criteria for the strap adjustment here. You can go through this watch strap color guide to get a clear idea regarding the suitability of the strap in different scenarios.

Watch Straps for Different Watch Dials

The dial of the watch is the main focus of your watch. Since your dial is easily visible, it needs to have a strap that can complement it. The strap around it should increase the sheer overall beauty of the dial from your POV and others.

Make it look classy and stylish with a proper blend of choice. You must know what color of watch straps suits your watch dial. Our recommendations for different types of watch dials are as follows.

For white/silver dial

You would not want your strap to remain unmatched from the dial. The tone of the color is essential. And if it is white or silver, any strip of lighter shades is preferable. Most of the time, leather straps of lighter shades look sophisticated with a white or silver dial.

For blue dial

The blue dial will always try to capture your sight on the dial. It is pretty deep in color, so light, the gloomy-toned strap will suit you well here. White, brown, grey, and tan straps will look good with a blue dial watch.

For green dial

Green dials have a variety of choices of straps to pair up with. But it depends on the watch indices. White indices suit a grey or brown strap well and make a great choice for a casual look. For other color combinations of the indices, you can go for purple or red based on the exact color of the indices. But to name an overall personal favorite, it would be the suede strap.

For black dial

Have you ever wondered how you would look with an all-black watch? The dial, strap, everything is black. Sound so good, right?

Try it out; a black dial with a black strap would look superb. For casual purposes, grey or brown straps are the regular go-to category for a cool look. Customized colors like red, green, etc., won’t look bad with a black dial, but it mostly depends on one’s personal preference.

Wardrobes Matching with Watch Straps

Your look will be elevated with your watch in your hand. Just like a person’s personality gets reflected on the shoes, your drip and style depend a lot on your watch.

Get your watch strip convenient and suitable for your outfit. There are some criteria you can maintain for the motive.

Watch Strap Color for Monochrome/Grey/Black Wardrobes

 Matching your deep outfit drips with your watch strip can be elegant sometimes. For black, grey, or monochrome outfits, just match the strap of the attire. A Black or grey strap would look dashing. And brown is said to be the most feasible color for watch straps. Why not give it a try?

Watch Strap Color for Warm Tone Wardrobes

A warm tone is usually the light and casual color you wear. They are mostly light in color, and a dark strap would spot your watch nicely in the eyes.

Know which is between leather vs. metal watch band suits your attire on your regular day. The black stripe is used mainly for the outfit, but the brown leather band looks dope sometimes. So you can decide what watch to wear yourself.

Watch Strap Color for Earth Tone Wardrobes

Oliver straps are pretty uncommon. But for earth wardrobes, you can prefer it mostly. Also, red and brown look good with a stocky getup.

Formally, brown and black never fail to amaze you, especially if you wear an earth-toned, stuck-in shirt.

Watch Strap Matching with the Case

Your watch case is the quality indulged to the object. Sometimes, you get to blend the case’s color with the watch’s external attires, like the indices, dial, straps, and others. When you adorn your wardrobe with beautiful cases, you need to ensure the watch straps match well to enhance the overall visuals.

For Stainless Steel Case

Stainless steel is fully polished and cleaned silver. A dark blue or gray strap would look dope with your watch case. Brown shades will also look superb if you keep the case partially opened.

But most of the time, a grey strap looks classy on the case. But still, it depends on how you put the attire on.

For the Gold color case

The gold case depicts full of the classy and official purpose of using watches. You would not prefer to have the casual go-to vibe on it.

And as said, the brown leather band is perfect for the case. Not that you can’t use others. Black straps would also look high-class, but brown straps are popular.

Picking the Watch Strap Color for Luminous Indices

Luminous dials and indices give a glow to your watch. By default, it brings a posh vibe to your attire.

As you’ll get a glow from the dial, go for a dark and deep shade of whatever straps you use. Black would be the most favorable choice here.

Final Words

This watch strap color guide spoke for you. Yes, your confusion, dilemma, and other ecstasy should’ve been solved by now. The strap color that probably goes with everything is black. So do consider a black watchband if you are still in some sort of confusion.

But above all, don’t hesitate to give priority to your choice. This guide is just a preset of the strap’s suitability. The rest is up to you, the way you blend them.